Trouble - Please Pray
We are stuck in KualaLumpur and people are sick discouraged and tired. We need a miracle. Pray for a way to get out of here to Africa. Right not it looks like we will not be able to get out until Wednesday and Heidi has a governmental meeting tomorrow morning. Not to mention the extra funds that are being required as we stay in Kuala Lumpur. We are doing pretty well, but some health issues have come up with a member of our team who is diabetic and we need God to intervene. Pray that, like the disciples, God will work the miracles we need to continue to move forward.
I have been praying for you guys. Be encouraged and know that He can do whatever needs to get done. He is faithful!!!
I love you guys and will continue to pray for you. Thanks for the update.
Prayers going up and I am notifying all of my pastors in the Mission Center to pray about this and
your Mission.
jeannie...i'm really sorry too hear you have run into trouble....why are they holding you there ? have they given you any reason' have everyone praying for you here...the nazarenes and the community of christ church world wide....connie really has spread the now everyone around the world know's about the least the church people...i hope you get
Jeannie, can you give me more details - what is going on? I am checking with Verizon to see if I can call you. I may not be able to get ahold of them until tomorrow. I have no idea what day it is there or how many hours ahead or behind you are. So if I get a clear signal from Verizon I will call regardless of what time it is.
I reminded the Lord this morning that I dedicated you almost 32 years ago and that you are still in his hands. Connie email all her churches so people all over are praying for you.
love and prayers
We are praying, Jeannie!!!! God is with you!!!!
Joshua 1.6-9
Interesting about the role reversal in the leader/follower thing. God is putting people where He wants them. :-) I am praying for you. Thought I would answer this so you would know for sure.
Love ya,
I am so glad you clarified your plight in Malaysia. I think Mom had you headed for some 3rd world prison to do hard labor for the next 30 years! Even though you have not made it to Swaziland, it is evident God is using you and your team to do a little ministry where you are. God does not follow our itinerary since it is His timing that is perfect not mans' feable attempt. Even though it seems you are giving up time and resources you planned for elsewhere; someone must have been praying for some much needed supplies and a stranded missions team to come and minister. I know the needs in Africa are great, but they are no less great than where God chooses to supply them. Take this time to rest and prepare for the time ahead, it will demand your whole self and more. I am praying for you and know that you are where God wants you to be.
Love, dh
There aren't a lot of people who could appreciate your description of Powers Hall for your accomodations, but there are several of us who now have a vivid picture of your surroundings! The fact that you have toilets and running water is a blessing and I know what its like to carry the bucket of water with you to go to the bathroom. Oh the joys of a third-world country!
A Work and Witness team from Shawnee Church of the Nazarene will be going to Swaziland next week. I have no idea where they will be, but Heather Attig is going with them. I told her that you were over there right now and she said that she remembered you - so who knows - maybe you will meet someone from the KC area before you leave!
I am envious of you and wish that I could be there. Enjoy every moment that you have there! One piece of advice that I would give to you is to remember that the people you deal with are coming from such a different culture and background than what you are used to. It's easy for us to get very frustrated with how "the nationals" deal with problems when the solutions seem like common sense to us. It's very easy for "us" to feel superior, like we have all the answers. Just remember that you are "fighting" against years of culture and tradition. I don't know why I felt like I should share that with you, but there it is.
Have a wonderful time!
Love, Beth
To Beth:
Your words were very appropriate. It is quite an adjustment to the way of life here. Simple things like washing your hands with soap and not sharing your water bottle with someone who is sick are things that are not done here. I think I have noticed the struggle most when visiting the schools.
I am VERY grateful to have running water, and hot water at the campgrounds. It has been so cold. I would hate to carry water to the toilet at night when I went to the BR. :-) - jh
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